The best concert ever

One of my favorites moments of my life was the concert of Bruno Mars in the Estadio Nacional, the year 2017, Bruno mars are a pop artist born in Honolulu, Hawai, he has a lot of popular songs, like "Marry you", "The lazy song" or "Gorillas", that concert was so crazy and significant for me because the tickets was sold out in a few hours and i couldn't buy one and then my hope to see that artist, what i liked since too many years, has to be erased from my mind, but in the last days before the concert, my bigger cousin contact me to tell me the impossible, she was buyed two tickets a time ago to both. the ambient of that show was amazing, the stadium was full of fans of all ages and cities, the people screaming when the man was on the stage is a moment that is hard to forget to me, the fireworks in the sky bringing to me the happines of are seing Bruno dancing and singing to the Chilean people and telling some words in spanish from time to time.